On Wednesday 9/2/2020 LMS will begin turn renovation. They will start by flagging the irrigation system.
On Friday, 9/4/2020 core aeration and overseeding of the turf areas will get underway.
Flagging will continue until the irrigation in all areas is marked. The flags are to remain until all areas have been core aerated and overseeded.
LMS personnel will remove the flags at the appropriate time.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The following information is from today’s robo call from Board president, Bob Beddes.
As you probably know, during a press conference earlier this week, Governor Murphy mentioned that Gyms may reopen on Sept. 2nd. Late yesterday, he issued the Executive Order which details many of the restrictions and protocols which must be followed in order to open the gym.
Over the past several months, the Board has been discussing our options on how we can continue to incrementally open any portion of the clubhouse, including the gym. And how we can implement whatever controls are required in the Executive Orders and by the Department of Health.
Now that the Executive Order for the gym has been issued, the Board is in the process of developing the specific strategies on how we can proceed, given the requirements that have just been issued in Executive Order 181.
We hope to open the gym as soon as possible, but it will take some time to set up the necessary procedures to comply with the Executive Order. Also – please note that due to the restrictions and protocols, there will be limited days and hours of operation. The details on all of the specific policies will be announced as soon as possible.
In addition to the Gym, the Board has been and will continue to evaluate other opportunities to provide additional access to some of the clubhouse amenities.
Again, we will announce as soon as possible when the gym can be opened.
As a reminder, the next Board meeting is on September 2nd in the Ballroom, the Open Meeting will start at 11:00am. Residents who wish to attend may enter from the side door on the veranda adjacent to the Croquet court. A mask is required.
To hear this message again, please do not hang up and it will replay. You can also refer to the Community website for a transcript of this call or call 866-995 0536 for a replay of the call.
The Board thanks you for your continued cooperation and patience during this unusual time.
Thank You.
Mary Lou Skesavage, 83, passed away on August 13, 2020. Visitation was at O’Brien Funeral Home in Wall on 8/21. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held @ 10:30 on Saturday, 8/22/2020 at St. Margaret’s Catholic Church in Spring Lake.
Art Licata passed away in the past few days. He was 99 years old. Art was an active participant in many of the Four Seasons activities and organized trips for our On-The-Go group.
We don’t have any information other than that he passed away. This site will be updated if we received additional information.
Some good news as we recently closed the first quarter (mid-March to mid-June, 2020) of solar generated energy usage in our Clubhouse, and the first monetary exchange of SREC’s (Solar Renewable Energy Certificates). The first payment from the SREC exchange will be received on August 31, 2020 in the amount of $6,330. This quarterly check is higher than we expected, due to the fact that we’re generating even more kilowatt savings than we anticipated and there has been an increase in the trading value with each SREC valued at $211.
The SREC income, as previously outlined for the community, will be allocated towards repayment of the loan taken from the Replacement Reserve Fund for this project and with interest @ 4%. In light of the fact that the investments in the RRF are earning about 4% per annum, this loan will generate a secondary benefit to the Association.
In concert with the benefits of solar energy in our Clubhouse, LED lighting was introduced to the Clubhouse and went live in early 2020. Expenditure tracking indicates we will begin realizing a 20%-25% annual reduction in electric costs. (As a note: our community also received a grant in the amount of $4,600+ to alleviate partially our initial LED investment cost.)
Your Finance Committee members, Ed Cook and Gary Cademartori, continue to monitor costs and usage on a monthly basis.
~Submitted by the Finance Committee