Photos as of 3/11/2020 –

January 27, 2020 Framing work has started on the model home to be built on the property. Chuck Braun of our HOA Office has been in contact with the builder to make sure we at Four Seasons receive all the proper notifications for installation of utilities on that property and any road work that may be associated. Any utility work will require the proper street markings from the utility company.

Update 11/1/2019 A crane has been on the site all week and today it appears that the second precast foundation is going in.

There was a large crane on the property on Wednesday October 23, 2019. Chuck Braun has been in contact with Mr. Neil DuCharme, of Ralco Builders.

Mr. DuCharme provided the following information:   He has started the construction on two residences on spec.   One will be a model.  All of the residences will feature 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, full basements, and two vehicle garages.

Chuck addressed concerns about work within the site having any impact on our community whether it be roadway closures, debris blowing off the site into FSW community, or bathroom facilities for the construction personnel.

Mr. DuCharme indicated there would be no roadway closures as all infrastructure work is done, and that he maintains clean construction sites.  He also indicated that OSHA requires one(1) port-a-john for every ten (10) workers on site.

Mr. DuCharme is aware of the Township’s noise ordinance related to restrictions relating to their construction work.

Chuck did confirm that the houses will have an HOA, and that he is planning landscaping to install at the home sites.