No plastic bags!

The following notice has been received from Wall Township Department of Public Works.    Recycle containers will not be emptied by Public Works if your container contains plastic bags.

Irrigation Contract

At the March 6, 2019 Open Board Meeting, the trustees approved a 3 year contract with Landscape Maintenance Service for irrigation work in our community.    These are the people that were awarded the Landscaping contract for Four Seasons.

DTE had been handling irrigation for us, however, they notified Chuck Braun that they were no longer interested in providing this service for us.   Chuck is working with DTE to have  DTE repair  valve covers that were damaged by DTE  when they were the contractor and worked in the various areas.

The contract is a 3 year contract.  The annual costs are as follows: 2019  $90,098.12;  2020  $ 93,296.87;  2021  $ 96,495.62.

Update on Conservation Easement area.

Update March 11, 2019 –   The “No Trespassing” signs are ready to be installed and the cameras are ordered and will be installed immediately upon receipt.

Chuck Braun came across a dirt bike motorcycle and a wheelbarrow on our property.   When Chuck was on site with a Wall Township Police Officer, the officer inquired in the homes that abut the area as to who owned the items.  As no one indicated ownership, the items were removed and sent to Wall Township recycling center.


At the January General Meeting, and in the Voice information was made available on this tract in the area of Deer Meadow.   Your Board of Trustees also with Chuck Braun of our Management Office are working with Wall Township Police to assure there is no further intrusion into this area.  

A letter has been sent to all FSW homeowners in the area adjacent to and with visibility to this tract asking for their cooperation.  Homeowners are asked to not go onto this area or approach people should they see activity in the area, but rather to call the HOA office or gatehouse staff who will notify Wall Township Police.   Involvement by our homeowners actually undermines the efforts to determine those persons who have altered this protected area.

No Trespassing signs are being obtained and will be posted.

New Lawn Service & Maintenance Contract

At a Special Open Meeting on Monday, February 11, 2019 @ 2 PM, your Board members unanimously approved a 3 year lawn service and maintenance service contract with Landscape Maintenance Services, Inc.   This contract will provide lawn service and maintenance from 3/1/2019 through 12/31/2021, at a per year cost as follows: $384,916.25 (2019); $400,910. (2020); $417,117.(2021).

At the beginning of the meeting, Bruce Rosenberg, the board liaison to the Grounds and Irrigation committee, outlined the need for the Request For Proposal (RFP), and the process undertaken as bids were received and interviews were conducted. 

The principals from Landscape Maintenance Services, Inc., will be at the April 2019 General Membership meeting

Questions on Solar Energy for FSW Clubhouse

Your Board of Trustees working along with the Finance Group developed the attached  trifold pamphlet with information on the use of Solar Energy for our Clubhouse.   A copy was mailed to each resident on 1/9/2019.

Ray Kaden will do a brief presentation on the above at the 1/18/2019 General Membership meeting.   If you have any questions on the above please don’t hesitate to use the contact us feature on this site, or email or write to Chuck Braun or any of your Board members.

Board of Trustees 2017-2018

At the organization meeting on 10/4/2017, Joe Daurio was elected as Board President. Dave Heskin will service as Vice-President; George Swander, as Secretary; Barbara Roche, as Asst. Treasurer; and Bob Wehner as Member-At-Large. Ray Kaden is Treasurer.