Board of Trustees 2017-2018

At the organization meeting on 10/4/2017, Joe Daurio was elected as Board President. Dave Heskin will service as Vice-President; George Swander, as Secretary; Barbara Roche, as Asst. Treasurer; and Bob Wehner as Member-At-Large. Ray Kaden is Treasurer.

Expenditures approved by your Trustees @ October 4, 2017 Meeting

At today’s meeting the following expenditures were approved by the Board of Trustees:

DTE proposal for Controller Replacement at Well #16 – $1,575.34 – Replacement Reserve Fund.

Air Dynamics proposal for replacement of the water fountain located outside the Fitness Center – $1,559.18 – Replacement Reserve Fund.

The Racquet Shop proposal for Seasonal Windscreen Removal – $561.09.

Donation to South Wall Fire Department$150..

Reimbursement to Mermaids for replacement of items destroyed in vandalizing incident – $172.70.

Expenditure of $896.66 to offset additional costs associated with the 20th Anniversary Celebration.

Board of Trustees Meeting – Sept. 20, 2017

At the September 20, 2017 Board meeting, the Trustees approved the following expenditures.

New Dimensions, $1500. Inspect conditions of the bocce courts and make recommendations as to what steps may be taken to improve the surface of the courts.

Tech Electric – not to exceed $6,000 – troubleshooting to verify the functional status of irrigation control wiring segments and isolate irrigation faulted segments, and repair.

Thorpe Nursery & Landscaping – $1,314.56 – cut out turf grass along the side towards the pond side and two corners of the tennis courts to approx. two feet in width and approx. 3″ in dept. Install landscaping fabric and 1-3 ” of Delaware stone to allow water to drain off and away from the playing surface.