About the Events Planning Committee

The Events Planning Committee is an arm of the House & Recreation Committee. The EPC plans and presents a variety of events for the whole community. Examples of such events are; the Pot Luck Supper, the Annual Holiday Party, Big Band Night, International Night, the Kentucky Derby Party and the Oktoberfest. Each year, this dedicated and creative committee vary projects and events from year to year. The Events Planning Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 AM in the clubhouse Board Room.

H & R COMING EVENTS – Mark your calendars


About H & R

H&R is an umbrella committee that monitors and coordinates all social and recreational activities of various clubs and groups. The committee also manages the financial accounts of the clubs’ cash transactions related to each group’s event or activity. The committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Boardroom of the Clubhouse. [See also the Event Planning Committee, a sub-committee of H&R.] (Contact: Tom Kane)